Customer Strategy: Fresh thinking, energy and results at the Customer-Supplier interface
Unleash the business potential at the Customer-Supplier interface. We’ll show you how. Recent technological advances have transformed many business capabilities and yet, more often than not, we assume that the business model that has dominated the past 200 years is still valid.
And that’s dangerous, because it isn’t. It has passed its use-by date. Maybe you’re sensing the need for change? The business leaders we meet often say it feels harder and harder to get traction in their marketplace, and the effort that they are expending is draining the energy out of their business.
Their offering is honed, their people are experts in their field, so why can’t they sell more?
Because intrinsically customer value and customer strategy is not their core focus. That’s why we help companies refocus – fast, without fuss, without fail. In a nutshell, we enable companies to:
• focus on what really matters to their customers
• define their absolute unique difference in a sea of “me too”
• engage the people in their business to consistently deliver success
• eliminate wasted time, money and energy
• bring the outside in to identify value from the customer perspective
To help achieve all of this, we provide a suite of offerings that has been tried, tested and proven by companies, large and small, What’s the fuss about Customer Value?
How do you feel about tackling every new day in your business? Is it exciting?
Do you feel that you are building a great future … or just tinkering with the present?
Do you feel that you’re positively differentiated in the eyes of your Customers … or just following along with the crowd?
Businesses used to mass-sell products to mass customer groups. Now, they need to focus on valued outcomes for individual customers.
This mega shift from product- and market-orientation to customer-orientation is, as they say, a whole new ball game. And Valuegenie can be your expert guide and mentor on the new playing field.
Valuegenie is the answer to the perennial challenge for businesses – how to attract and retain customers?
Contact [email protected] or [email protected] to find out more.